04/02 06:52
Other amount buy herbolax online The novel is now republished as “a landmark work in gay literature” to stand beside Gore Vidal’s The City and the Pillar (1948) and James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room (1956). These two novels, however, shamefully opted – as Renault does not – for the then traditional ending of gay fiction, characterised by Christopher Isherwood as “tragedy, defeat and death”. That said, the pervasive high-mindedness of Renault’s novel seems old fashioned beside, say, Angus Wilson’s Hemlock and After, published the year before. It is also true that the austere nobility of her principal characters is rather crudely set against the raucous and bitchy (but well drawn) “queer” circles in which Ralph uneasily moves. A world in which David and Jonathan, rather than David and Elton, provide gay role-models may seem remote to modern readers, but Renault’s allusions to “the tents of Troy, the columns of Athens” and the poems of A E Housman place her novel in a long and honourable literary tradition.